Healthy Living
You guys, I need to start eating healthier. I've fallen back in my old sugar habit and eat far too much ice cream. It doesn’t affect my body because I run and exercise regularly, but it makes me SO TIRED and moody (well, first it makes me super happy and filled with energy, but then I crash). And when my eczema starts to flare up, that's when I know I need to stop!
I also feel like I need much more energy to keep up with my 3 kids, my business, my husband, PTA meetings, volunteering at my kids school, and friends. I'm not going to give up sugar completely because I don’t want to be one of those who can’t eat anything. Plus life is too short to deprive yourself from ice cream!
Below is an example of my healthier lifestyle. Please leave your comments if you have any great food or snack ideas. Would love to hear what you eat to get more energy.
Breakfast: spinach and leftover roasted chicken omelette.
Mid morning snack: avocado toast with roasted butternut squash, cranberries, and red onion.
Lunch: stir fry green beans.
Afternoon pick me up: green energy juice.
Dinner: roasted Greek chicken with rustic potatoes. My family fav!