Whole30 Breakfast Ideas
Breakfast is by far my favorite meal of the day. I like eggs, fruit, potatoes, and if I’m being honest, chocolate croissants and pancakes. Because I’m avoiding those last two for the remainder of my Whole 30 challenge I need to brainstorm healthy and tasty options each morning. I do a lot of prep ahead of time and cook after I drop off the kids at school. Here’s what I prepared last week with my new spiralizer toy. I hope you get some ideas for your own meals.
Sweet potatoes spirals with spinach and baked eggs. Cook the potatoes first with olive oil, sea salt, black pepper, and garlic powder for about 10 minutes then add the spinach. Crack eggs on top then cover it with foil for 5-7 minutes depending on how well done you like your eggs. Sprinkle red chili flakes and serve.
This dish is the same as above but I used white sweet potatoes and carrots instead.
I like to roast potatoes in big batches then eat through out the week. Roast at 350F for an hour.
This is my very easy scrambled eggs with roasted potatoes, fruit, and veggies.
Yellow squash with marinara sauce and grilled shrimp. I stir fry squash noodles then add sauce and grilled shrimp on top. I don't like to eat before my workout so I made this dish as a late breakfast and early lunch. Great way to refuel!